1). Which type of information is referred to as digital data?
i. Continuous
ii. Discrete
iii. Bit
iv. Bytes
Ans:iii. Bit

2). What is a digital footprint?
i. A collection of data from someone’s online activity that can be traced back to them
ii. A list of websites where a person has gone online
iii. Tracking someone’s physical location through an app
iv. All the ways two people are connected online
Ans: i. A collection of data from someone’s online activity that can be traced back to them

3). What is the best way of keeping personal information safe on online?
i. Make social media profiles public.
ii. Turn off location tracking on all apps.
iii. Share personal information over direct messages only.
iv. Both ‘ii’ and ‘iii’.
Ans: iv. Both ‘ii’ and ‘iii’.

4). When someone pretends to be you by using your personal information, then it is related to….
i. Digital footprint
ii. location tracking
iii. identity theft
iv. Phishing
Ans: iii. Identity theft

5). Which one of the following is an example of analog-to-analog conversion?
i. Radio
ii. Television
iii. optical fibre internet
iv. Video
Ans: i. Radio

6). Differentiate between:

a. Digital and analog signals

Digital Signals  Analog signals
It’s like a series of steps, where each step can only be at a specific height. Imagine a staircase where you can only be on a particular step.It’s like a smooth wave that can take any value between two points. Imagine a curvy line that can go up and down smoothly.
It’s precise too, but there’s a limit to how precise it can be since it can only take specific, distinct values.It can be very accurate and precise because it can have an infinite number of values within a range.
Less susceptible to interference and noise because it’s based on distinct values, making it easier to distinguish between the correct signal and unwanted disturbances.Prone to interference and noise because any small disturbance affects the smooth wave.

b. Bit and Bytes

The smallest unit of digital data. It’s like the tiniest building block in the digital world, and it can be either a 0 or a 1, representing off or on.A group of 8 bits. It’s like a small package made up of 8 tiny pieces (bits)
Represents the most basic form of data and can only hold one of two values – 0 or 1.Represents a character, like a letter, number, or symbol, using a combination of 8 bits. It can represent a letter like ‘A’ or a number like ‘7
Can only hold a single binary value (0 or 1) at a time.Can hold a combination of 8 binary values (bits) at a time, giving it more capacity to represent different characters or values.

c. Digital wellbeing and digital security

Digital wellbeingDigital security
Focuses on promoting a healthy and balanced relationship with digital technology.Focuses on protecting digital data and devices from unauthorized access, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
Addresses concerns related to excessive screen time, digital addiction, eye strain, and mental health impacts associated with technology use.Addresses concerns related to unauthorized access, data breaches, malware, phishing, and other cyber threats that can compromise personal or sensitive information.
Aims for a healthier and more mindful use of technology, leading to improved overall well-being and a more balanced lifestyle.Aims to keep personal information and devices safe, providing a sense of privacy, trust, and confidence while using digital tools and services.

7). What is a digital signal? Name any two devices which use digital signals in our daily life.
A digital signal is like a secret code made up of just two clues: 0s and 1s. It’s like a secret language computers and devices understand.
Two devices using digital signals in our daily life are:
1. Smartphones
2. Television

8). What do you understand by the transmission of signal?
Transmission of a signal means sending a message or information from one place to another.

9). Why geostationary satellites are launched in the parking orbit?
Geostationary satellites are put into a parking orbit so that they can be checked and prepared for their final mission.

10). Define uplink and downlink frequency in signal transmission.
Uplink frequency is like the signal’s journey from a device on Earth to a satellite in space.
Downlink frequency is the signal’s trip from the satellite back down to a receiving device on Earth.

11). What is online reputation?
Online reputation is like your digital fingerprint or a report card on the internet. It’s how people see you based on what you do, share, or say online.

12). Explain the process of converting digital data into a digital signal by line coding.
Here’s a point-wise explanation of converting digital data into a digital signal through line coding:
Translation of Digital Data:
Start with digital data, which is in the form of binary bits (0s and 1s).
Assigning Electrical Patterns:
Each binary bit (0 or 1) is assigned a specific electrical pattern or signal.
The assigned electrical patterns are used to encode the digital data.
Generating Digital Signal:
The encoded electrical patterns create a sequence of signals, forming the digital signal.
Sending Over Communication Channel:
This digital signal is then sent through a communication channel, such as a wire or optical fiber, to transmit the information.
Interpretation at the Receiving End:
At the receiving end, the encoded signals are decoded back into their original binary bits, reconstructing the original digital data for further processing and understanding.

13). Write down the meaning of a netizen. Mention any three responsibilities of good netizens.
A netizen is a person who actively uses and participates in activities on the internet, such as social media, online forums, or other online platforms.
Respectful Behavior:
Good netizens should treat others online with respect, just like they would in person.
Online Safety Awareness:
Good netizens need to be cautious about their personal information and privacy online.
Fact-Checking and Accuracy:
Good netizens have a responsibility to share accurate and reliable information.

14). What is digital wellbeing? How do the Internet and the virtual world affect the physical, social and emotional health of netizens?
Digital wellbeing refers to maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship with digital technology and the virtual world.
1. Physical Health:
Positive Impact: The internet provides access to health information, virtual fitness classes, and telemedicine, enabling people to take better care of their physical health.
Negative Impact: Excessive screen time and sedentary behavior while using the internet can lead to issues like eye strain, disrupted sleep patterns, obesity, and other physical health problems.
2. Social Health:
Positive Impact: The internet allows people to connect with friends, family, and communities globally, fostering social relationships and reducing feelings of isolation.
Negative Impact: Overuse of social media can lead to social comparison, cyberbullying, and reduced face-to-face interactions, potentially affecting mental well-being and social relationships.
3. Emotional Health:
Positive Impact: Access to mental health resources, online support groups, and counseling services can positively impact emotional well-being and provide a platform for seeking help and support.
Negative Impact: Exposure to negative or distressing content, cyberbullying, online harassment, and the pressure to maintain a perfect online image can contribute to stress, anxiety, depression, and other emotional health challenges.

15). “Multimedia classroom is one of the essential parts of teaching-learning Activities.” Give your opinion about this statement.
A multimedia classroom integrates various forms of media, such as text, images, videos, audio, and interactive elements, to enhance the learning experience for students.
Engagement and Interactivity:
Multimedia elements make lessons more engaging and interactive for students.
Catering to Different Learning Styles:
Students have different learning styles, and a multimedia classroom accommodates these differences.

15). “Multimedia classroom is one of the essential parts of teaching-learning Activities.” Give your opinion about this statement.
A multimedia classroom integrates various forms of media, such as text, images, videos, audio, and interactive elements, to enhance the learning experience for students.
Engagement and Interactivity:
Multimedia elements make lessons more engaging and interactive for students.
Catering to Different Learning Styles:
Students have different learning styles, and a multimedia classroom accommodates these differences.
Encouraging Critical Thinking:
Multimedia encourages students to think critically and analyze information from various perspectives.

16). Define audio-visual materials. Write down any five characteristics of audio- visual materials and explain any two of them.
Audio-visual materials are educational tools that involve the use of both auditory (sound) and visual (sight) elements to enhance the learning experience.
Any five characteristics of audio- visual materials:
1. Engagement
2. Clarity
3. Versatility
4. Facilitation of Learning Styles
5. Reinforcement

Engagement: Imagine watching a video about a historical event with real footage and narration. The visuals and narration make the topic come alive, capturing your attention and making the learning experience enjoyable.
Clarity: When you see a well-designed diagram or chart explaining a scientific process, it’s much clearer than reading a lengthy description. The visual representation helps in grasping the concept faster and with better clarity

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